Roger Nieboer, Energeia, Mill City Museum Train Shed, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
Roger Nieboer, Energeia, Mill City Museum Train Shed, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
Roger Nieboer, Energeia, Mill City Museum Train Shed, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
Energy specialist conducts experiment. Photo: Betty Czarny.
Plug in; turn on. Photo: Betty Czarny.
Energeia, an on going and immersive theatrical performance, encourages participants to examine their own relationship to energy in all its various manifestations. With a series of hands-on experiences culminating in a 1:1 meeting with lesser mortals’ crack team of winsome experts, Energeia is your personalized energy consultation agency.
Part science fair, part lab practical, and part philosophical inquiry, Energeia challenges participants to reflect upon their own consumption of energy and their individual, but ever increasingly important role as a human on the planet.
Energeia — Bringing you power today for a brighter tomorrow.
View more photos from Energeia on the Northern Spark Flickr here!