Myra K. Rucker, Sunrise Yoga: Dem Bones/Being the Butterfiy, West River Parkway, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
Myra K. Rucker, Sunrise Yoga: Dem Bones/Being the Butterfiy, West River Parkway, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
Myra K. Rucker, Sunrise Yoga: Dem Bones/Being the Butterfiy, West River Parkway, Northern Spark 2016. Photo: Max Haynes.
A Joyful Practice. Courtesy the artist.
Remember the “Dem Bones” song? Maybe you just remember the first verse, relating how all the bones in the body are connected. The second verse, however, talks about how all the bones are disconnected – and how, in the process, the physical body decays. Consider how aligning the body in a special way creates more stability, more balance (between strength and flexibility), and better overall health. Consider, too, how misaligning even the smallest part of the body can create discomfort and disease.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means “union.” The physical practice of yoga creates an opportunity to notice how our bodies and minds are connected. Practicing yoga can also help us explore how our mind-body connection is mirrored in the world, and in the environment.
To paraphrase Edward Lorenz: Does a change in your yoga pose change the weather?
Let’s find out, 4:40 AM on Sunday, June 12th! This open-level yoga practice is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. No prior yoga experience or knowledge needed. Bring your family and friends, as we will incorporate partner work and sometimes practice as one single body.
Myra K. Rucker is a yoga teacher and student, who firmly believes in the benefits of sthira sukham asanam (Yoga Sutras, II:46) – steady, joyful practice. Inspired by a variety of styles and traditions, she uses the physical practice as a laboratory for smiling, breathing, and integrating yoga philosophy even when off the mat.
View more photos from Sunrise Yoga on the Northern Spark Flickr here!